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Thank you diary study


A year ago, GlobalSCAPE was launching a longitudinal research study with science communicators all over the world, known as Diary Study. Over the past 12 months, participants have been regularly invited to provide feedback about their views and experience with science communication.

We received many valuable contributions throughout the duration of the study and it will come to a close at the end of November. Some participants have already completed the study by responding promptly to the requests and will therefore not receive any more diary entry requests after completing the study. For the others, the Diary Study will stay open until end of November.

We would like to thank all the science communicators who participated in the GlobalSCAPE Diary Study. Please watch this space for more information about the results.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101006436.
